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FREE YOUR BODY, FREE YOUR MIND! – 6 Week Mindful Movement Course starts Thursday 7 September

Looking for a way to improve your health and sense of wellbeing, and reduce your stress levels…. tired of the treadmill, or injured from Bootcamp …

Foundation course flyer


Beginner 1, 7:30-8:30pm

Perfect for beginners, and those coming back to yoga after a break !

Develop a safe, balanced yoga practice with emphasis on alignment, core awareness, breathing & relaxation techniques:
• Safety – create a safe, sustainable practice
• Balance – create a balance between stability and mobility, effort and ease
• Alignment – understand alignment in key yoga postures improving strength and flexibility
• Core awareness – learn to initiate postures from the core creating power and freedom of movement
• Breathing & relaxation techniques – lower stress, increase energy and improve sleep

Understand the basic principles of vinyasa yoga and Sun & Moon Salutations. Discover the fundamentals of standing postures, balances, twists, forward bends, backbends, hip & shoulder openers and inversions.
On completing the course you will receive a handy “Home Practice Guide” covering a 30-minute practice, with descriptions of all key poses.

6 Week Beginner 1 Vinyasa Yoga Course 7:30-8:30

@ Erskineville Village Anglican Church
Cnr Erskineville Road & Rochford Street, Erskineville

Chris Bio & Course Location







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